Saturday April 12th 2025
Wave start from: 9.00am
Want to try obstacle course racing?... or go hard over a shorter distance. We've got the event for you!!! Over 3km you'll tackle 20
of our obstacles. A great introduction for anyone with a base level of functional fitness and above.
What you receive:
⦁ Finisher Medal
⦁ Timed race results
⦁ On-course aid stations and medical assistance
⦁ Athlete Bag Drop
⦁ Athlete Recovery area at the finish line
Age categories:
Male & Female
⦁ Open: 18 - 34
⦁ Masters: 35 - 49
⦁ Masters Plus: 50+
All races start in age group waves
The Treble: Individuals can enter both the 3km, 6km and 10km distances (Including the 10km elites)and combine your times over 19km!
Prizes awarded for the top 3 place-getters. The award ceremony will take place after the final individual crosses the finish line/latest possible time.

Saturday April 12th 2025
Individuals: 9.30am
Our 6 kilometre course is achievable for anyone with a basic level of fitness. Walk or run, it's your choice. Complete the 20 obstacles in your own time. Have fun!!
What you receive:
⦁ Finisher Medal
⦁ Timed race results
⦁ On-course aid stations and medical assistance
⦁ Athlete Bag Drop
⦁ Athlete Recovery area at the finish line
Age categories:
Male & Female
⦁ Open: 18 - 34
⦁ Masters: 35 - 49
⦁ Masters Plus: 50+
All races start in age group waves
The Treble: Individuals can enter both the 3km, 6km and 10km distances (Including the 10km elites)and combine your times over 19km!
Prizes awarded for the top 3 place-getters in each category. The award ceremony will take place after the final individual crosses the finish line/latest possible time.

Saturday April 12th 2025
Elite Start: 11.50am
Individuals: 12.00pm
A 10km course with 40 obstacles that will push you to your limits!
What you receive:
⦁ Finisher Medal
⦁ Timed race results
⦁ On-course aid stations and medical assistance
⦁ Athlete Bag Drop
⦁ Athlete Recovery area at the finish line
Age categories:
Male & Female
⦁ Open: 16 - 34
⦁ Masters: 35 - 49
⦁ Masters Plus: 50+
All races start in age group waves
The Treble: Individuals can enter both the 3km, 6km and 10km distances (Including the 10km elites)and combine your times over 19km!
Prizes awarded for the top 3 place-getters in each category. The award ceremony will take place after the final individual crosses the finish line/latest possible time.
(Elite entrants must be 18 years and over)

3KM / 6KM / 10KM
Saturday April 12th 2025
3km wave start from: 9.00am
6km wave start from: 10.30am
10km wave start from: 12.00pm
Our races are super fun, especially when you are doing it with your mates, your work colleagues, your sports team buddies, or your family!
Choose your distance! Ultimate Teams is run over our 3KM, 6KM and 10KM distances.
Teams consist of 2-6 people.
Help your teammates along the way, your team time stops when the last person in your team crosses the finish line.
Teams enter individually. Then simply enter your team name in the required field and our system will group you together.
⦁ Mixed
⦁ Male
⦁ Female
What you receive:
⦁ Finisher Medal
⦁ Timed race results
⦁ On-course aid/hydration stations and medical assistance
⦁ Athlete Bag Drop
⦁ Athlete Recovery area at the finish line
Prizes awarded for the top 3 place-getters in each category. The award ceremony will take place after the final individual crosses the finish line/latest possible time.

(1.5KM / 3KM)
The Ultimate Kids & Next Gen offers young athletes the opportunity to feel the excitement of competition while enjoying the outdoors and promoting healthy living. Parents, family, and friends are invited to cheer on these racers while enjoying the area and family-centred event.
Saturday April 12th April 2025
Start: 3.00pm
1.5 kilometre course - Ages 4 to 12 years
The kids race begins at the Ultimate Athlete start line and completes a 1.5km loop of the course including some of our best obstacles. Kids can be accompanied by 1 adult and non of the obstacles are compulsory.
What you receive:
One-of-a-kind Ultimate Kids T-Shirt
Ultimate Kids Finisher’s Medal
Late entries for Ultimate Kids will be accepted at the Event Registration up until 2.45pm.
NEXT GEN - 3km
Saturday April 12th April 2025
Start: 1.30pm
3 kilometre course - Ages 11 to 17 years
The 3km course includes 18 obstacles. Athletes are timed in two age divisions.
Age categories:
Male & Female
⦁ Ages 11 - 14
⦁ Ages 15 - 17
All races start in age group waves
What you receive:
Next Gen Finisher’s Medal
Times Race Results
Late entries for Ultimate Next Gen will be accepted at the Event Registration up until 1.00pm.